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Social Awareness Poster

Child sex trafficking is such a huge social issue that needs addressed, but it is never portrayed as anything other than the cliche and almost cheesy looking photos of children in ropes and a dark shadow. The reality of the situation is that it happens out in the open, and children are groomed to see it as a normal part of life.


This poster was inspired by a survivor story online where she stated that as a child, she was groomed to see this lifestyle as normal, and not something to draw attention to. Exchanges would happen in the open at parks, fairs, or stores, and the kids would often be given

treats such as ice cream or simple gifts as a way to reward them

and continue in the grooming. It's a subject that is spoken about but never truly understood when it comes to the signs, so this poster is made to bring awareness and hopefully inspire someone to look further into the subject.

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